The Young Sheldon Spinoff Won't Be Complete Without This One Character

A custom image of Sheldon Cooper, Connie Tucker, Mandy McAllister and Georgie Cooper from Young Sheldon

With Young Sheldon having wrapped up with its seventh and final season, fans were forced to say goodbye to many characters they grew to love. George Cooper's death and Sheldon Cooper leaving for graduate school in California meant that the family dynamic would never be the same again. One other character that will be dearly missed if she doesn't return for the spinoff, Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage, is Connie Tucker.

While initially written as a slightly irresponsible grandmother to the Cooper children in its first season, Young Sheldon developed Connie (aka "Meemaw") into the funniest and most sincere character on the show. She may have been brutally honest at times, but she always had her family's backs at the end of the day. That's why when Georgie Cooper got his then-girlfriend Mandy McAllister pregnant, she was quick to reprimand him, but help him and Mandy prepare for their baby. She was the glue that held Georgie and Mandy together during their worst moments, so it's a bit odd that she won't be a main character in Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage.

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In the early stages of Georgie and Mandy's relationship, Connie disapproved of them. She disliked Georgie lying to Mandy about his age since he's 11 years younger than her, which led to a bunch of "I told you so's" from Connie when Mandy discovered the truth. But when push came to shove, she always stood right next to Georgie because, at the end of the day, he just wanted to do the right thing. When he dropped out of high school, she supported him, but was also strict with him about his new independence. She gave him a job in her gambling room and entrusted him to keep the illegal nature of the business a secret. It was no surprise that, despite the surprise pregnancy, she would stand by him.

Between Georgie and Mandy, Connie actually grew to enjoy the latter more. Connie helped integrate Mandy into the Cooper family as they were going through a rough patch, and supported Mandy when her parents didn't. Connie related her experience of Mary's own unexpected pregnancy to Mandy's situation, and felt obligated to step in. She drove Mandy to doctor's appointments, paid her medical bills, gave her a job and even a room to sleep in. Connie was always apologetic for Georgie whenever he acted like a kid who was too big for his britches, but also sneaked in a defense of her grandson along the way. Connie's support for both Georgie and Mandy was why their daughter, Constance, was named in her honor.

Neglecting Connie's influence on Georgie and Mandy's relationship would be a disservice to her character. Since she'll still be living in the same town as Georgie and Mandy in the spinoff, it'll be weird if she's not a constant presence in their lives. Medford, Texas has always been described as a small town where someone's business is everybody's business. How can Connie be ignored entirely? Bringing her back for the spinoff doesn't mean she has to be a main character like she was in Young Sheldon, although it wouldn't be unsolicited if she was. It just means giving her a subplot where she occasionally checks up on her grandson and great-granddaughter. Connie isn't the type to abandon the Cooper family. There was a time in her life where she begged her son-in-law not to take a job in Oklahoma just to stay close to her daughter and grandkids.


Connie and Georgie Need More Sketchy Side Missions

Georgie Cooper and Connie Tucker on Young Sheldon