It's So Sad When No One Comes to Sheldon's Party #YoungSheldon


Leonard: You know what I like about you, Sheldon? You're incredibly smart, but you're also really dumb.

Sheldon: Why would you say that?

Leonard: You think people are gonna come here to hang out with you?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: To hear about science?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: On the radio?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: At five o'clock in the morning?

Sheldon: Yes.

Leonard: And you're asking me why you're down?

Sheldon: Well, I happen to have a little more faith in the curiosity of my fellows.

Leonard: See, you sound smart, but you're still dumb. I bet you don't even know the first thing about Sweden.

Sheldon: Well, you're wrong. It's where those little meatballs come from. And that Jeff on the Muppets. That's two things.

Leonard: Oh. And it's in Canada. That's three.

Penny: How's it going, baby?

Leonard: I don't think anyone's showing up. Not even Tam.

Penny: I'm here.

Leonard: Yeah, but you're my mom. You live on the premises.

Penny: At least Dr. Sturgis should be here any minute.

Sheldon: Shelly, I'm afraid Dr. Sturgis isn't coming this morning.

Penny: Why not?

Sheldon: He isn't feeling well.

Penny: Oh dear.

Leonard: Should we send him a get well card?

Penny: I think that'd be terrific.


Narrator: Good morning and welcome to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The announcements are starting.

Narrator: In German, French, and Russian. And this year's Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to Henry Kendall, Jerome Friedman, and Richard Taylor for the discovery of quarks, a primary feature of quarks is that they're always bonded together.

Sheldon: But in that moment, I felt like a neutrino, destined to be alone forever.

Leonard: Leonardo.

Narrator: Is.


Penny: Go to sleep.

Narrator: Someday.

Narrator: Thankfully, I was wrong.

Narrator: True.